5 Things to Remember When Buying Kitchen Appliances

5 Things to Remember When Buying Kitchen Appliances

According to Fortune Business Insights, the global kitchen appliances market was valued at $159.29 billion back in 2019. Refrigerators and cooking appliances dominate this market. With time, the kitchen appliances market was expected to grow, but no one could fully predict how big this growth would actually be. 

Then, in 2022, Data Bridge Market Research reported that the global kitchen appliances market had a value of $241.30 billion in 2021. By 2029, this market is likely to reach a value of $351.11 billion. That’s a CAGR of 4.80 percent in just eight years.

The growing popularity of the kitchen appliances market means that you’ll have a lot to choose from when you’re going shopping for these products. This means more variations and options for you to choose from. However, it also means that you’ll have to decide which ones you actually need and which ones you don’t. This can be a bit troubling, especially if you’re not used to buying kitchen appliances all the time. 

That being said, in this article, we’ll elaborate on a few things you must remember when buying kitchen appliances. Doing so will help you decide which appliances you actually need and which ones you don’t. It will also help you get the best deals possible as well as ensure that you’re getting quality products. 

#1 Assess Your Needs

Before diving into the world of kitchen appliances, take some time to assess your needs. Consider the size of your family, your cooking habits, and the space available in your kitchen. Identify the appliances you use most frequently and prioritize those first.

For example, if you love baking, a reliable oven is a must, whereas a large family may require a spacious refrigerator to store perishables. Understanding your requirements will help you avoid impulsive purchases and invest in appliances that truly serve your needs.

#2 Set a Budget

Kitchen appliances come in a wide range of prices, and it’s essential to set a budget before embarking on your shopping journey. Remember to factor in installation costs and any additional accessories you may need. While it’s tempting to go for the most feature-rich appliances, staying within your budget will prevent financial strain and allow you to focus on finding the best value for your money.

#3 Check for Product Reviews

While shopping for kitchen appliances, it’s essential to read product reviews and customer feedback. Online reviews and ratings from other users can give you valuable insights into the performance and reliability of the appliances you are considering. Look for patterns in reviews to identify common issues or positive aspects of each product. 

You should also be aware of brands whose products have, in the past, shown a lack of safety features or have led to serious injuries while in use. Take the pressure cooker explosion lawsuit involving brands like Breville, Nutri-Pot, and Instant Pot. 

According to TorHoerman Law, defects were reported by consumers, and these products were recalled by the Consumer Protection Safety Commission. You should keep an eye out for products that have been recalled for failing to provide sufficient safety to their users. 

The pressure cooker explosion lawsuit stands as a good example of why it’s important to check product reviews when buying kitchen appliances. Consider brands with a history of producing reliable appliances, as they are more likely to offer quality products with excellent customer support. 

Avoid brands, like the ones in the pressure cooker lawsuit, as they have a bad reputation among customers and have even had the safety commission involved in their recalls. 

#4 Measure Your Space

One of the most common mistakes when buying kitchen appliances is not considering the available space. According to the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA), average kitchen sizes in the US are about 161 sq. ft. and 174 sq. ft. in single-story and multi-story homes, respectively. You must take your kitchen space into consideration as well when buying kitchen appliances. 

Take accurate measurements of the areas where you plan to install each appliance, including height, width, and depth. Ensure that the appliances you choose fit comfortably in their designated spots without obstructing walkways or other kitchen activities. Oversized appliances can cause inconvenience and may even require costly remodeling to accommodate them properly.

#5 Consider the Aesthetics

Apart from functionality, the appearance of your kitchen appliances can greatly impact the overall aesthetic of your kitchen. Choose appliances that complement your kitchen’s decor and color scheme. 

Stainless steel appliances offer a timeless and modern look, while other finishes, such as black or white, can blend well with various kitchen styles. Additionally, some brands offer customizable panels that allow you to match your appliances with your cabinetry seamlessly.


Going shopping for kitchen appliances can be fun. But as you can tell from the discussion above, it also requires a bit of critical thinking from your end. However, as long as you keep these things in mind, you won’t be disappointed with what you end up buying. Thus, whenever you’re out shopping for kitchen appliances, always keep these points in mind. 


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